OpenStars project
Pedagogical star modeling using Web technology.
ishort "at"
To provide university and high school instructors and students with physics-based pedagogical web apps
for demonstrating and investigating stellar astronomy and astrophysics, and exoplanetary systems, at a wide range of educational levels,
that are accessible on any common computational device as is,
To provide astrophysics students with public domain open source stellar astrophysical modeling codes with which they can experiment,
and to which they can contribute, using the developer console of any web browser on any device.
To popularize and normalize astronomy by deploying intuitive and engaging interactive credible simulations of
astronomical objects and systems in a way that can be seamlessly integrated with web cluture, including web-based gaming, massive multi-player
virtual worlds, and social media.
Collaboration and supervision opportunities in astrophysics, web development, and pedagogy. Projects range from Undergrad to M.Sc. level:
- Stellar atmospheric modeling and spectrum synthesis: Develop any aspect of ChromaStar (CS) and
ChromaStarServer (CSS):
Implement the line lists as SQL databases to be queried by CSS Done
Re-do the flux integration as 2D longitude & latitude tiles and provide for customized star spots
First part done
Add molecular bands in the JOLA approximation Done EVEN MORE for 5 TiO bands - CH g band next if I can find data!
Add and test additional molecules (beyond current TiO)Done by integrating Phil Bennett's GAS package for CSS and CSPy
Add H2 Rayleigh scattering opacityDone for CSPy and CSS
- Add proper atomic energy level data structure, with link to atomic transitions, for proper line broadening
- Add approximate line blanketing for lambda < 400 nm as a pseudocontinuous "just-overlapping-atomic-line" opacity source for radiative equilibrium temperature corrections
Improve atomic partition function treatment - see data of Barklem & Collet 2016Done
Add important metal bound-free and Rayleigh scattering opacities to improve blue/near-UV opacity
- Work on temperature correction and overall structure convergence (or at least add low log(g) template models for the current T_kin(tau) re-scaling
- Add interactive periodic table to CSS interface to allow non-solar abundance distribution - begin with simple alpha-enhancement
- Add radial-tangential macro-turbulent broadening (now possible) and spectral line bisector visualization (see David Gray Lectures on FGK stars)
Exoplanetary atmosphere and surface modeling: Improve the habitable zone model and provide for greater planet customization
Add solvents other than water - ammonia, carbon dioxide, methaneDone
In situ Exo-planet transit light-curve modellingDone Spring 2020
Stellar interior structure modeling: Develop PolyStar
- Provide for isochrone generation
Port to Python3 with visualization in a Jupyter notebookDone and done (May 2017)
Port to Julia with visualization in Jupyter - faster than python
Add H, J, K AND ugriz filters and colors - spectrum now goes to 2600 nm Done
Add faster spectrum-synthesis-only mode to CSS and CSDB
Accelerate computation of CS with WebGL
Accelerate computation of CSS, CSDB, and CSPy with multi-threading in Java and python
Web interface development: Develop the OpenStars UIs by incorporating the latest web programing libraries and methods
Re-do plots in HTML5 SVG and incorporate d3 First part done for CS
User interface (UI) development: Improve the OpenStars UIs by basing them on sound pedagogical design principles
Web development: Game-ify and/or puzzle-fy any OpenStars apps
Connection with BGO twitter interface?
Port as app to Android and iOS stores
Any of these can be cited when referring to any OpenStars application
Short, C. Ian & Bayer, Jason, H.T., 2018, ChromaStarAtlas: Browser-based visualization of the ATLAS9 stellar structure and spectrum grid
arXiv: 1805.03674
Short, C. Ian, Bayer, Jason, H.T. & Burns, Lindsey M., 2018, ChromaStarPy: A Stellar Atmosphere and Spectrum Modeling and Visualization Lab in Python, ApJ, 854, 82, 5 pp.
arXiv: 1801.07208
Short, C. Ian, 2017, ChromaStarDB: SQL database-driven spectrum synthesis, and more, PASP, 129, 094504, 11 pp.
Short, C. Ian, 2016, GrayStarServer: Server-side spectrum synthesis with a browser-based client-side user interface, PASP, 128, 104503 (arXiv:1605.09368)
Short, C. Ian, 2015, grayStar3 - gray no more: More physical realism and a more intuitive interface - all still in a WWW browser (arXiv:1509.06775)
Short, C. Ian, 2014, GrayStar: A Web Application For Pedagogical Stellar Atmosphere and Spectral-Line Modelling and Visualization, JRASC 108, 230 (arXiv:1409.1891)
Short, C. Ian, 2014, GrayStar: A Web application for pedagogical stellar atmosphere and spectral line modelling and visualisation II: Methods, arXiv:1409.1893
Friends of OpenStars
Magnetar Games
Research-grade codes
Spectral analysis
Atmospheric modeling + spectrum synthesis
Spectrum synthesis
NLTE Spectral line